Dear Christian Parents
An Appeal for Homeschooling
Who We Are

We are the Durhams, a homeschooling family who wants to share the joy we have found with others.  "This day is a day of good news" (2 Kings 7:9).  We cannot keep silent!

Our family has been homeschooling since 2003.  We have found immeasurable blessings through this godly means of education, and those blessings continue to multiply.  Neither of us parents was homeschooled, but we found that teaching our own children came naturally when we followed the wisdom of God for education.  It is God's design for the family that makes homeschooling so effective, and we want all Christian parents to embrace this wonderful opportunity.

To meet our goal of reaching all Christian parents with the good news about homeschooling, Stacey Durham has written Dear Christian Parents: An Appeal for Homeschooling.  He has been preaching the gospel of Christ since 1997 and currently works with the Creekview church of Christ in Gallatin, Tennessee.

We sincerely hope the best for all of you Christian parents as you strive to bring up your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).  Don't be discouraged by the declining morality in our nation, for your citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20), and God's kingdom shall endure forever (Daniel 2:44).  Moreover, it may take just one godly, faithful generation to turn our nation back to God.  We can train up that generation right now by taking our children's education into our own hands.  Our family has experienced the goodness of God-centered education, and we hope that your families will, too.

Thank you for visiting with us, and may God bless you and your family.

© 2011 Dear Christian Parents

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